Display, Backup, Restore Windows Drivers and Check Their Updates with DriverMax
DriverMax is a free program helping you to deal with Windows drivers. The most benefit you can get from such a program like this is that you can have all drivers under your control in one place. You can display the whole installed drivers within your system, backup all or only the selected ones, reinstall them without having to search your original driver CDs, and you can print a complete report of the driver list. All can be executed only in a very few clicks.
On its main window, a list of commands are presented. If you click on 'export drivers' command, for example, DriverMax will scan the drivers at once and display the list of all afterwards. It is very easy to run all the commands even for an average computer user.
Other things to be noted from this software:
- the drivers can be selected by manual selection or applying some available filters
- all or only selected drivers can be exported to a folder of your choice
- to reduce the backup size, an option is available for you to compress it in a single zip file
- it runs relatively fast
- free registration is required to continue its use after 30 days
Download link: DriverMax
Windows Software Buzz, Wednesday, January 2, 2008 At 1:22 PM - Permalink
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