Merge Multiple MP3 Files Into One Single Album File

MP3 Album Maker is a freeware letting you to join multiple MP3 files as many as you want into a single large file. You can play the album created with any MP3 player and it still compatible with any tag editor, or unpack them back whenever you need to.

It is a very simple program, so there is nothing much you can do with it except choosing the files to be merged, name the album, rearrange the files order or randomize it, and set the destination folder. Ability to include an image as the cover of the album perhaps can be said a bonus feature.

This is definitely not the exact tool to be used if what you need is to create an album with advanced configurations, but the few features it has makes it the perfect utility to make a simple album. And the most important above everything is that it manages to do its task well. It is always better to choose a simple program with less functions but can deliver the result as it promises than a rich-features software but sucks, isn't it?

Unfortunately you have to install Net Framework to be able to use it. The OS supported is only Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP.

Windows Software Buzz, Tuesday, February 19, 2008 At 2:01 PM - Permalink
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