Pick RGB, HTML, Hex, HSB Color Codes From Screen - Free
There are a lot of color code pickers out there with advanced options, but this one definitely provides the most instant way to grab color code from screen. While others will let you to view the captured code in the programs's main window, Instant Eye Dropper makes you possible to save the captured code directly inside the clipboard. Does it mean you completely can't view the color being captured? No.
When you left-click and hold the icon's program in the tray, a small color preview screen is displayed. When you drag the cursor, the color and the code shown change accordingly. The code is saved automatically into the clipboard when you release the mouse button.
Changing the code format from HTML to RGB or Hex and so on is as simple as right-clicking the icon and select one from the list. In the option menu, you can decide how the code format should be pasted from the clipboard to your CSS style sheet or any other document or program, pick the pixel resolution needed, along with some other tiny configurations. It needs around 1,5MB for the resources when running.
It works under Windows NT, 2000, 2003, XP.
Windows Software Buzz, Tuesday, March 11, 2008 At 9:47 AM - Permalink
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